The American Crisis In a recent chapel at Word of God Academy, our Pastor asked, "What is our purpose in life?" A second grader raised his hand and his response caused me to fall out of my chair: "To bring Glory to God." He...
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The American Crisis In a recent chapel at Word of God Academy, our Pastor asked, "What is our purpose in life?" A second grader raised his hand and his response caused me to fall out of my chair: "To bring Glory to God." He...
The American Crisis The Church is to equip its members to be obedient to God alone. Erwin W. Lutzer Growing up, there was a kids’ song that went, “Obedience is the very best way to show that you believe.” I remember this line...
The American Crisis The Gospel should serve as the believer’s foundation of faith. James A. McMenis The core of the American Crisis centers around this statement: Our world, specifically the education industry, has become focused on best...