In my previous blog, I began outlining a 5-step approach to a Kingdom Training Template. If we believe the following truths, how can we help our children take actions in their lives that lead to positive consequences?
- Truth establishes
- Conviction Conviction drives
- Purpose Purpose creates
- Vision Vision leads to Action
Step 3: Training (Biblical Education)
As we continue examining the depth of the Christmas story, we see Joseph, Mary, and Jesus returning for the Passover. This annual visit was a little different this time when, on the way home, Mary and Joseph realized they had lost Jesus. When they finally found Him, the scripture tells us the following
And it came to pass, that after three days they found him in the temple, sitting in the midst of the doctors, both hearing them, and asking them questions.
Luke 2:46
Jesus was in the temple learning, and He was also asking questions. Despite being the one who knew everything, Jesus modeled the process of learning for us. A Kingdom Training Template includes allowing our children to sit with those who are wiser and ask questions.
Process that for a moment: Jesus demonstrated that asking questions is one of the greatest ways to learn. Would you allow your child to ask questions of anyone? I believe this step in biblical training is essential. Just a few verses earlier, we are told that Jesus was 12 years old (Luke 2:42). He was sitting with those who were wiser and who had a biblical worldview
Step 4: A Process and Timing (Luke 2:52, Luke 3:21-23)
Raising our children is a process, and it's one that I believe many times we try to rush. We attempt to prepare our children long before they may be ready. Brain research now tells us that a young man's brain isn't fully developed until his late 20s. Jesus did not begin His ministry until He was 30 (Luke 3:23). Our society today tells us that we must release our children long before then.
Scripture tells us that we are raising arrows (Psalm 127), like mighty warriors. While this could be an entire blog series on its own, this template is exactly how Mary and Joseph raised Jesus.
They raised Jesus to be released when the "time was fulfilled." They raised Him to be ready to stand against the attacks society would throw at Him. Jesus wasn't released to be "salt and light" until He was prepared.
And Jesus increased in wisdom and stature, and in favour with God and man.
Luke 2:52
Step 5: A Tempting/Trial
The final step in the Kingdom Training Template is the test. Have we prepared our children for full release? Jesus faced a test when, in Luke 4:1-12, Satan came and tempted Him. Jesus' response to each of the three temptations was to respond with scripture. Each time, scripture turned aside the enemy, strengthening Jesus to carry on. Every time Jesus was tempted, He responded with, "It is written." The simple lesson here is this: can our children respond with the Word every single time?
Over my 25+ years in education, working with families, and raising two children of my own (both now over 20), I have discovered repeatedly that we often skip steps. We do everything possible to justify why our children are ready for certain things, why they need certain things, and why they should be able to make decisions. All the while, we are going against the very process used in raising Jesus.
- Faithful Parents
- An Anointing
- A Training (Biblical Education)
- A Process and Timing
- A Tempting/Trial
This template will work every single time. “Train up a child in the way he should go: and when he is old, he will not depart from it." Proverbs 22:6
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