Through examining the birth of Jesus, we find a template for raising the next generation. This template is a simple five-step approach to creating disciples:
- Faithful Parents
- An Anointing
- A Training (Biblical Education)
- A Process and Timing
- A Tempting/Trial
When we look closely at the life of Jesus, we must remember that He was 100% God and 100% human. We see that Jesus experienced temptation, was tired, cried, sweat, and, as Scripture tells us, He took on the form of a servant. As we study the Christmas story, we see Jesus growing, maturing, and developing relationships. This template, found in the first four chapters of Luke, establishes a pattern for parents, educators, pastors, and mentors to follow. The greatest takeaway for us to understand is that creating disciples for the Kingdom is a process.
The process of creating Kingdom disciples begins with placing our children in an environment based on biblical truth. Over the years, society has shifted the meaning of "Christian" to encompass many things. As Dr. Glen Schultz taught many, “It is easier to be traditional than Biblical.” The tradition of men has transformed the modern concept of being Christian into something less rooted in Scripture. When Jesus, at the age of 12, sat in Luke 2, He did not sit at the feet of influencers or cultural guides. He sat at the feet of biblical doctors of the Word. He asked questions, showing His 100% humanity, giving us a template to follow.
Our children face many challenges from the culture. They are confronted with worldly traditions and responses to questions that many “scholars” claim have no answers. However, when a child grows in "wisdom, stature, favor with God, and favor with man," they experience a training ground rooted in the truth of God’s Word. When the angels cried out, “Glory to God in the highest,” they truly meant that we have a hope and expectation that surpasses anything this world has to offer.
This revelation of God’s Glory is revealed through the asking of questions and seeking for God to dwell among us. When Jesus was born on this earth, His Glory literally dwelt among us, providing a template for how we should live our lives. This template impacts us as individuals, parents, churches, and schools. The question we must answer is, “Are we living in the expectation of His Glory?” We should live our lives, parent our children, create discipleship in our churches, and educate our children with the end in mind—will they bring God glory through what they are learning and the answers they are seeking?
Mr. Euler has 24 years’ experience working in Christian Schools, 16 as a Head of School and is currently the Head of School at Word of God Academy, Shreveport, LA., a ministry of Word of God Ministries.
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